Capstone Resume

Picture of John


I'm John McCardle, an upcoming Cyber Intelligence graduate from University of South Florida.

I have a very diverse set of interests, as my degree would suggest. Other than the courses my Master's degree requires, here's a few of the things I've worked on since becoming a graduate student in Fall of 2017:

  • Teaching Linux. I periodically teach a night class bootcamp targetting CompTIA's Linux+. I've maintained my certification since 2012.
  • Linux Administration. After theory comes praxis. Linux is a topic I deeply enjoy, and has paid off materially: I'm personally administering the webserver this resume is hosted on. For the purposes of upping the ante for this final project, I now operate my own DNS service. This has previously cost me about $30 a year above the (much lower) cost of registering a domain name.
  • Certified in Python. I'm now a "Microsoft Technology Associate" after completing the Introduction to Programming Using Python exam. This skill has also paid off materially: the site you are reading has been statically generated using Pelican, a free and open source Python library. I've also taught Python to certification students in a night class, and consider it my favorite programming language! It's probably a good enough solution to your software problems, unless you have an unusual circumstance.
  • Certified for Blockchain. I've completed the Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF) exam. Blockchain is an important emerging technology, and while I remain extremely skeptical of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies will undoubtedly be useful in many indisputable ways in the coming years. I have provided Blockchain certification training for a night class.
  • Certified for Amateur Radio. I am FCC certified as an Amateur Extra, the highest level of privileges for a ham radio operator. I serve as the Systems Officer for my local amateur radio club, the Kennedy Amateur Radio Club (KARC). I plan on using my skills from the hobby for signals intelligence, fox hunting, especially as it pertains to frequency use enforcement, and local emergency preparedness / natural disaster response.
  • 3D Printing. I don't have a certification yet, but I've built a 3D printer from a kit, learned the technology toolchain, and begun providing my services for sale. I am still in the early stages of the hobby, but you can see some of my progress at the social links below.

What Am I Working Towards?

I'm finishing an internship as a software developer / IT project manager. I'll be staying in the position as a regular, full-time employee after graduation.

My graduation gift to myself is a 30 day excursion along the Appalachian Trail with my best friend.

Afterwards, I plan on advancing my career by improving my analytics skills with R and Julia (which I am even more excited about).

There are several robotics projects on my 3D printer schedule that I've been short on time and money to complete. I priced out the Annin Robotics AR-2, a free and extremely well documented 6 degree-of-freedom robotic arm, to be about $1600 in non-3D printed components. Machine learning being expressed in the physical world through robotics is technology on the horizon that inspires me the most, and I plan to do what I can to contribute, or at least keep up with the field(s).

